It’s the top result if you searched in GitHub about removing Microsoft edge, while it’s not detected by Windows Security, Eset or Kaspersky (the best av vendors) it’s being detected by other av engines, is it a false positive?

  • schizo
    2 months ago

    Eh IDK how “required” it is.

    I set my default browser to Firefox, and then never saw edge again.

    I mean yes, there’s extra crap sitting on the drive that I don’t want or need or will ever use, but I also don’t spend any time actually thinking about it, either.

    Windows 11 is still a piece of shit, though, and I hate it with all my being and would love to be able to ditch it, but alas, not quite yet.

      2 months ago

      Have you opened edge lately?

      Have you done a search in bing and found that your computer login has a bing account created for it?

      Have you had notifications to verify your login with a Windows account?

      Have you tried opening a link from Outlook using its default built-in link handling protocol?

      I don’t understand why this isn’t criminal at this point. Are our lawmakers completely unaware of these issues or do they just not care?