Israeli forces shot and injured an American citizen during a demonstration on Friday that was being held in Beita, a Palestinian village near the occupied West Bank town of Nablus, several Palestinian rights organisations have told Middle East Eye.

Amado Sison* was hit by a bullet that shot through the back of his right thigh and left a large exit wound. The bullet, however, missed all of Sison’s major arteries and his bones but he has soft tissue damage from the attack, according to Vivi Chen, an activist with Defend Palestine:Faz3a. Chen was also the victim of an attack by Israeli settlers last month.

Sison was carried more than 500 metres as Israeli forces continued to attack the Palestinians gathered at the site of the demonstration.

After being shot, activists say that Sison’s ambulance was forced to stop at several Israeli checkpoints, leading to a delay in his medical treatment. Eventually, he underwent a successful surgery and was seen smiling in his hospital room.

    2 months ago

    The quotes don’t support your claim of 35-40k being the realistic upper estimates. Your intellectual dishonesty and moral inconsistency is what upsets me.

    • gedaliyah@lemmy.worldM
      2 months ago

      The study specifically says that the reported death toll of 37k is credible, and has been accepted as such by international bodies. That is the number of people who have died in Gaza, according to our best knowledge. We have no reason to believe that the number is significantly different, or as the study puts it, “claims of data fabrication [are] implausible.”

      Last I checked, 37 is between 35 and 40.

      The study projects that the indirect death toll could eventually total much more, which would be just as tragic. This is why it is so important to release the hostages, end the conflict, and begin rebuilding the infrastructure of Gaza as soon as possible.

      I only mentioned the upper bound of “half” of the deaths being combatants because there does not seem to be much agreement about how many of those killed were combatants vs civilians. In other words, at least half of those killed are civilians, likely far more. I’m not sure I can be more clear, but let me know if I can explain any of these facts further.