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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Really? The advice I’ve seen for years at a traffic stop is to only roll down your window enough to talk to the officer and hand over paperwork and to close it immediately after. Along with not voluntarily providing any extra information and only answering questions as asked.

    That’s for your safety, not theirs. You can argue the full tints, but the vehicle was surrounded by officers and many of them were aware this person was playing football that day.

    In context this is one of stupidest escalations I’ve seen since ever and I can’t believe none of these other cops stopped it from happening. Give this a little more time and the rest of the guys are gonna get lit up along with the dude who’s on administrative leave.

    Like in order to make this shit look ok, you have to full on compare the reaction to someone who was engaged in a crash or hit and run, has a warrant, or is a sovcit. They could run this dudes plates in 7 seconds and understand this dude wasnt a threat, they probably should have escorted him the rest of the way after they gave him his citation! This was a physical response to disrespect, ridiculousintimidation and you shouldn’t be ok with it.

  • Sov Cits don’t have documentation and refuse to comply with lawful orders. This gentleman gave the police his documentation and they got mad he wasn’t bending over and spreading his asshole.

    It’s funny cause this situation is so crazy with how the cops escalated this situation when it wasn’t warranted, you actually have to compare them to someone doing an actual crime!

    Like that’s how crazy this debate even is. Rich dude in super car being an asshole vs a person who is willfully driving with fake paperwork hoping a cop pulls them over.

    Hill just looked like a rich asshole in a hurry and I can’t imagine anyone advocating that the police action was OK.

  • I really can’t imagine thinking that no matter how disrespectful someone was during a traffic violation, that escalating to pulling someone out of the car and putting them in handcuffs is ok.

    Office was never in any danger, he was actually surrounded by other officers. You should be able to disrespect an officer and that should not escalate being physically handled like that.

    The expectation for a criminal in a criminal act is to have as much force as needed applied to them to get them to comply. The expectation of an asshole at a traffic stop should be to get his big ticket and keep moving.

    If you don’t want to be called a boot licker, stop licking boots!

  • Yes that’s true, that true with almost every country. That doesn’t remove any of the extenuating circumstances that Trump created as the executive in office at the time. And almost any other previous Republican or Democrat who had been in office would have done better.

    Trump isn’t a magician or something, he’s was just a terrible president who mishandled every bit of communication. All you are doing is strawmanning a negative opinion against a person who had an important job and fucked it up.

  • I really feel like you’ve purposefully shoved down the memory hole how much of the anti mask rhetoric came directly from Trump’s cabinet and network, and how he refused to wear them in public, expect for a couple occasions, because they would mess up his makeup.

    That not even talking and how he would undermine anything coming out of the CDC that wasn’t positive or contradicted one of the stupid things he said.

    Trump was uniquely terrible as a leader during COVID, honestly had he done an excellent job he probably would have been re-elected in 2020.

  • He fucked up the COVID response so bad that the cognitive dissonance in the country led directly to a undermining of just about every institution that would be responsible for handling it. His embracing of obvious lies in public because they played to his base while acknowledging the truth of those thing in private, creating a dichotomy of response that actually played anyone without their head up their ass directly against those that did, within groups inside his own administration!

    His admin helped facilitate a vaccine he then directly undermined! Then he tries to take credit for that work constantly.

    Like honestly I was almost with you until you said that last bit which is hand down one of the dumbest things in context I’ve ever seen.