• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I’ve seen the more sexual tense awkward cut scenes and theories, but watching Leon I never attributed it more than “a young girl going through puberty forced to age quickly, see her family killed, find a confidant and established a bond she’s confusing her attachment with.” in the movie I watched Leon nips that sexual relationship thread in the bud. I’ve seen the alternatives where he does allow it but I thought that was just disturbed fan theories.

  • Man it doesn’t even need to devolve into a debate. You get berated just for having an opinion on something more and more. That’s the problem with the voting system anyways. People that don’t share an opinion with you shouldn’t even have an option to down vote. Just don’t vote at all. Up votes are for shared opinions. But even then the biggest gripe I had with reddit was the system has the up voted “popular” comments as the most viewed as well, leaving the opinions of people unseen without looking for them.

    People are impressionable. If they see everyone agreeing with a comment they feel they need to skew their opinion towards the common dissent or risk being alienated. We’re communal creatures. And social media screwed with our heads with the need to fit in.

  • I got a 3d printer (bambu p1s per someone’s recommendation here) but the bambu software allows very little in the realm of adjusting a print (size for example is mostly what I can do).

    I’ve been heavily overwhelmed looking into a 3d software editing platform to adjust prints. I don’t have the capacity to learn multiple softwares, but I heard blender does pretty poorly in creating prints with hard dimensions.

    While I do like to explore the realm of figurines and characters to print, I tend to use my printer for more engineered prints, things I measure and need a replacement for, or to fill in the need of something I’m I’m constructing.

    This is where Adobe got most of the positive reviews for a 3d software that’s best of both worlds. Creative and engineered. While blender is heavily leaning towards creative.