• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • When I was in school I used to set up everything for a paper ahead of time in a Google folder. A template for the document, PDFs of my references and them already added to the end. Then when the lighting strike of dopamine hit I’d be ready to hammer it out right there and then. I wrote so many papers on the shitter. Then one day I did it for a group project and it turned out one of the group members had ADHD too because I woke up in the morning and the wholeass paper was done.

    My other winning ADHD hack is to use optimal stimulation theory to pay attention to spoken material or physical tasks by having them compliment each other. This is things like pairing a lecture with a mindless phone game (like 2048, or a match 3 game. Helps if its untimed) or pairing audiobooks with chores. It’s magic I swear.

  • I trim my cats claws every few weeks, she gets a treat for every paw she sits still for. I can tell she needs it done again when she can’t knead on me without it feeling prickly. It’s been a minute this time because I think I misplaced the trimmers. For a while I had to restrain her in one of those mesh bags, which was an upgrade from an old towel, but at this point she’s learned there’s food in it for her and she’s very food motivated, so as long as I’m firmly holding each paw and go quick it’s pretty straightforward. Haven’t had to use the sack in years.

    I accidentally traumatized the dog at a young age because I had difficulty visualizing the quick through her darker claws, so we’ve been having a groomer do them for a while to help her understand that it doesn’t usually hurt before I try again. She thrashes and howls every time I try (she’s part husky), so it’s also important to have someone who knows exactly how to snatch her up and get it done quick.

  • I wish domestic housecat was on here as a scale example most people would have seen in person but I would think the smallest lynx bobcat or the fox is maaaybe comparable if perhaps a bit larger?

    Edit: I had meant to say bobcat, not that it made me much closer. Sounds like the raccoon is much more comparable.

  • I’m one of those that sees a purpose for AI in doing some of the grunt work of information processing and some creative tasks (like an old school painters apprentice, put some grass over in that corner while I work on this face, upscaling images without blurring, or making sure all the formatting and pronouns / perspectives match in a written work), or in increasing accessibility by describing images for the blind or audio for the deaf, but what in tf does it need to be in a browser for? It definitely has some uses but they’ll really slap that label on anything these days!

  • Yes that’s ideal. I would argue most of the “lost causes” you’re describing are victims of the current system and we owe then something akin to long-term secure units until they’re sick enough of the restrictiveness of even a non-abusive containment system to put in the work to recover, but that’s semantics. At the end of the day everywhere should be doing it like that and housing and rehabbing these people, emphasis on the housing since it’s a prerequisite to the rehab.

  • No that’s 100% exactly what I’m talking about because no one should be going to psych hospitals for any of those things, and the fact that we’ve not allocated the resources to treat those things in the community (which would actually be cheaper) is the entire failing of that “deinstitutionalization” movement. It was supposedly going to be a whole movement where we shifted to community care models but they never actually allocated proper funding for that so it became just another way to fuel the prison industrial complex.

    I’ve never even worked a psych hospital that did proper 1:1 talk therapy on the regular. I as a nurse working a 12h shift with 6-8 patients and also being responsible for equipment checks, groups, checking on all my patients at least hourly etc am often the closest thing some of these people get to a therapist. At the absolute MOST most of those things should be being treated at a CSU which is a type of voluntary stepdown unit that usually has 1 nurse on-site continuously and that does a cursory belongings search and NO body searches. Most of them function like rehabs but do other mental health services as well as detox. I shouldn’t be being asked to strip search depressed people, but I also can’t risk one of them being dumb enough to bring a proper sharp or ligature onto my secure unit for people who genuinely can’t be trusted not to shank or garotte a bitch. Ffs one time the ER just didn’t even check at all and an actively psychotic pt rolled onto the unit with a loaded fucking gun in their bag that my tech just happened to find during a routine belongings search and I’ve found all kinds of other weapons on people. My unit is tightly controlled for a reason and most people receiving psychiatric care don’t need it and therefore should never gave to experience it.

    Almost none of the people you’re describing should be setting foot on even the classier units I’ve worked, and they wouldn’t have to if proper community resources like medication management, talk therapy, and even CSUs were more available. I remember reading at one point that there was like one psychiatrists office serving like half of Montana at one point. The lack of those services (and particularly the lack of adequate insurance reimbursement for those services - those professionals still need to feed and house themselves and their families) are a very intentional component of this fucked up orphan crushing machine.

  • Doesn’t shock me tbh. The “deinstitutionalization movement” was a fucking joke all they did was dump people out on the street so they could use their 0 community living skills to go get their mental Healthcare from prison instead, and now that people are getting sick of being screamed at on the street by homeless schizophrenics on drugs (not like there’s anything better for them to do) they want them locked up again so they can make health insurance companies money instead of doing literally anything to actually heal their communities. I have an entire nursing theory and set of practices just for this specific population because we’ve just completely fucked so many of them up, probably most of them permanently. And I’ll say it until I’m blue in the face but housing is the #1 driver of the American mental health crisis. They joke about “what radicalized you” and it’s 8 fucking years of working in psych hospitals even when I’m proud of the care I’m giving just watching the system as a whole is killing me. What I do should be considered ICU level psych care for that handful of people who are actually actively psychotically tweaking so why are all of the units I work mostly full of not even depressed but just understandably sad homeless people?

  • I’m never sure if my difficulty integrating with those communities is because they are by nature diffuse or because after having to go to FCA camps as a kid and sing hymns off projector screens that were just re-written country songs about Jesus instead of ford pickup trucks I not only can’t take any religion seriously but specifically and actively refuse to. My higher power commands that I shitpost. I actually got into an argument online with someone insisting that I was doing it wrong (also they were accusing me of being transphobic which is another community I don’t get on with because the surgery is and forever will be the only part of my gender I have ever taken seriously).

  • Christian esotericism has been a really relaxing segue into a healthy spirituality for me. There’s no people demanding I pray the “correct” way or give them money they won’t tell me what they’re doing with or telling me that saying a dead guy’s name will keep me from going to an eternity no one can prove exists. Just me and the dead guy’s words that tell me to party hard and chase rich people with whips. And tarot cards; I’ve honestly gotten more out of them than therapy lately because I’m a lot more honest with myself but I still get something similar to a third party opinion on things by sort of bouncing the thoughts outward then back in.