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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2024


  • Not really, because it is in it’s core the same engine with the same limitations. It has the same worldspace and cell system as the original engine from Morrowind. Yes it has shader (a modern feature that is in the creation engine at least since Fallout 76, most likely even Fallout 4) and a LUA script engine besides the official creation script engine. This could be added to the engine very easily and that the Creation Engine doesn’t has this is a design decision not a engine limitation.

  • The cells and worldspaces are needed for a engine that allows huge amounts of persistent dynamic objects that can be removed from and added to the world freely., That is the reason why we don’t see games with large worlds like this in other engines. Even more so when the game has to run on consoles too. Neither No Man’s Sky, nor Outer Worlds or Cyberpunk have worlds or places full of persistent dynamic objects, nearly everything is static and hard baked into the world.

  • Skyrim has not the same engine as Oblivion and Starfield has not the same engine as Skyrim. There always were huge upgrades and changes to the engine, saying that Starfield has the same engine is like saying that Unreal 5 is the same old engine as Unreal 1. It is the same engine in the same way as I am the same as my father or grandfather. We share lots of features and DNA and have the same last name, but we are very different in many ways.

  • As far as I know no engine out there is able to do what the creation engine can, and that is having world spaces with tons of persistent dynamic objects. If they would switch to another engine they would loose one of their core elements of the game, the possibility to take all the junk that is laying around in the world or to add things literally wherever the player wants. But this feature comes with the price that the world spaces have to be comparted in cells which are separate by loading screens. This can be minimized with streaming and dynamic data transfers but this has its limits too, even more so on resources constraint systems like consoles.

  • And I still don’t know what’s the point in separating /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin and /usr/sbin.

    This goes back to the olden days when disk space was measured in kilo and megabytes. /sbin/ and /usr/sbin have the files needed to start a bare bone Unix/Linux system, so that you could boot from a 800kb floppy and mount all other directories via network or other storage devices as needed.

  • The game has proper navigation between planets, you gravjump because space even between planets are huge and nobody wants to travel multiple hours, days, weeks or months (depending how close to the limit of C your story allows) in empty interplanetary space from planet A to planet B in the same system.

    And the loading screens well that is the price to have a engine that allows for large numbers of manipulatable and change objects. All other engines have less loading screens yes but their worlds and places are full of statics that look good but can’t be taken or manipulated in any way. And I am very happy to pay that price.

  • Having a space game where every planet and every place in space is a super interesting stage feels so fake and wrong because space is not like that. If we go out into space and to other planets we will find way more boring then interesting (for the normal person) planets and locations between the planets out there then anything else. I love that Starfield is brave enough to show space more realistic even if that means boring.

    That’s why I don’t really get into No Man’s Sky, the space and planets feels manufactured.

  • My God… doing what, exactly? It took me like 40 hours to 100% the game, then everything else is pointless. Every planet is completely barren…

    Having fun mostly. Doing quests, exploring the planets, building bases, building ships, doing NG+ multiple times and playing different playstyles in every new universe. There is so much in the game to do and to experience. And saying that you 100% the game, yeah sure when that means having every achievements, but that is not how to really 100% the game at all. At least not for me.

  • How, exactly?

    One of the major points of the game is that the only way to travel faster then light is with Gravjumping, there is no way to travel faster then light in real space. There is a large part of the main quest all about that. And that is the reason why everyone gravjumps everywhere The mod introduces faster then light travel in real space, and by this destroying one of the most important points in world building and lore of the game.

    This is an absurd and honestly ridiculous complaint. ‘boring travel through empty space’ dude it’s a literal SPACE exploration game, how can you complain about travelling through space, in a space game? Wtf? What do you think Space is? Candyland, filled with gas stations and theme parks along the ride? It’s an empty, insanely large expanse. Some people want that. You could say the same thing for any Fallout/Elder Scrolls game, too. ‘Boring ride through the country’ < oblivion and Skyrim. ‘Boring walk to the next area’ <Fallout

    That is how most people play those games yes, that is why fast travel (or other ways of fast transportation like teleportation magic or carts/boats) exists and it is used because most of the time travel is BORING as fuck and I want to do things in my game not commute between places. Not every travel is exploration, I don’t explore the city when I travel from home to work and back and very often in games travel is not done to explore but to get from point A to point B because your quest or task demands that. And starfield is not a space exploration game (because you literally can’t find anything new in space in the game, everything you can find is either on or around planets but not in open interplanetary or interstellar space.) it is an RPG with a big focus on star system and planet exploration. Traveling through empty space (and staring onto a point in the blackness of space that very very slowly gets bigger) is one of the most boring wastes of time I could think of. Traveling through space is like traveling over an huge, empty and flat saltlake in the middle of the night. There is literally nothing to see there, the only interesting things are the start of the travel and the destination. Ok, there are people into that I am sure, games like desert bus exist after all, and if you like that then have fun with the mod. It is a single player game after all and I will never tell anyone how to play their single player games (or even multiplayer games if it is ok for every other player). You do you!