• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023

  • Hell yea. Our unit test coverage went way up because you can blow through test creation in second. I had a large complicated migration from one data set to another with specific mutations based on weird rules and GPT got me 80% of the way there and with a little nudging basically got it perfect. Code that would’ve taken a few hours took about 6 prompts. If I’m curious about a new library I can get a working example right away to see how everything fits together. When these articles say there’s no benefit I feel people aren’t using these tools or don’t know how to use them effectively.

  • Eh, I’d rather the remake makes some changes, otherwise what’s the point of just doing the same thing again. Generally speaking the closer the remake is to the original the less value it adds. Sometimes these changes work and sometimes they don’t but I’d rather they take a swing. Like Psycho or Funny Games or Oldboy or anything Disney has done in the last decade are exactly like the original and feel completely pointless. Even when they’re done well like the Ikiru remake Living they just feel a little hollow.

    All this being said, I think the most successful ones are where they have a completely new take from the ground up. Compare the new Planet of the Apes remakes to the 2001 Tim Burton one. The new ones go in a whole new direction and feel like they matter whereas the Burton one was a complete failure. Scarface and Oceans 11 also come to mind as successful remakes because the director got to put their on flair on the story.