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Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Trump is like Michael Scott at the shareholder meeting (on The Office US version). He loves applause so much that he goes dramatically off script and starts making wild promises that get the crowd into a frenzy. “Triple our profits! Carbon-neutral in a year!”

    Trump does the same. He promises MORE healthcare for LESS taxes and the crowd loves it. He says he will win all the wars and do them QUICKLY. He gets into office and can’t deliver, so instead he lies about the “hundreds of miles of wall” he built when he didn’t, or pivots to those “evil democrats” stopping him.

  • This isn’t rare and not altogether a bad idea.

    My university had a problem of students bringing their own WiFi routers before the dorms had WiFi. Students would set them up incorrectly and cause a series of problems with colliding DHCP servers and interference and it would cause outages for nearby wired students.

    A lot of IT departments locked the network down for these reasons.

  • MLK publicly fought with LBJ over his watering down of the Civil Rights Act. LBJ supporters accused him of Potentially derailing his election the same way Democrats today accused Palestine protesters of derailing Biden. History isn’t as rosy as you pretend it is, learn your history since MLK publicly castigated those “allies” in his famous Letter, historically burning those bridges that you claim we need to build.

    I’m not going to keep repeating myself since you refuse to even look at what’s historical record and have you keep abusing MLK’s name to fit your ahistorical claims just like Republicans do. This goes far beyond MLK, as far back as the Abolitionist movement which also didn’t try making friends and compromises in the face of moral depravity.

  • Nice strawman. I think we’re done here if you can’t even be honest.

    Edit: April 16, 1963, King wrote his most famous “Letters from a Birmingham jail” in response to eight local white clergymen who had criticized his activities in Birmingham and appealed for a more patient and restrained approach to lobbying for civil rights. The “Letter” expresses King’s deep disappointment with “the white moderate,” who “paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom.”

  • MLK hated people like you who told him to be patient, that he was too radical and that he was trying to change America too quickly or that his protests were hurting LBJ’s re-election campaign. He wrote long diatribes against this idea and people who told him he was moving too fast, go read his anger in Letters from a Birmingham Jail.

    Don’t misquote him like that.

    Edit: Why We Can’t Wait was the actual title of his 1964 book. King’s “Letter” issues a call for urgency. He wrote it as a response to eight local white clergymen who had criticized his activities in Birmingham and appealed for a more patient and restrained approach to lobbying for civil rights. The “Letter” expresses King’s deep disappointment with “the white moderate,” who “paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom.” https://sojo.net/articles/when-patience-becomes-complacency-why-we-cant-wait