
  • 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2023


  • He explained the etymology as background information before pointing out what “apologists” means. He was correcting your misunderstanding of a word (the one you didn’t bother to look up and instead chose to react based on not knowing the word) and explaining why the false cognate existed. The main point wasn’t the linguistic history lesson. It was that “apologists” doesn’t mean “people apologizing”.

    Just suck it up and learn, buttercup. You were wrong and are now doing a really bad rearguard action.

  • The genie is not out of the bottle. It’s stuck in the neck as people realize how limited and useless the “AI” really is. The seeming ubiquity of it is a concerted marketing campaign pushed by people trying desperately to cash out before the bubble bursts.

    It’s following the hype curve of cryptocurrency, then NFTs, only in fast-forward. For a while the “true believers” (just like with crypto and NFTs) will keep it going forward as they delude themselves into thinking that it will turn around “any time now” … but in reality AI is already collapsing.

    See the problem is that while crypto and NFTs were wrapped in a whole metric fuckton of complicated jargon and terminology that laypeople couldn’t understand, the various “AI” projects had free, public-facing services that were easy enough for even technophobes like me to be able to use …

    … and find out what utter shit they are.