formally of

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2024


  • Apartments take a few months to build. There are standard designs they build over an over again in different locations. I realize CA has earthquakes and maybe cannot take a design from Ohio (though I wouldn’t be surprised if they could), but there should be plenty of designs that meet codes. If they cannot build thousands of apartments in a year the problem isn’t the time it is they are doing something to make it not possible to build that fast.

    Building should be by right - no need to ask the neighbors for permission or get a review (for a standard design that doesn’t do anything unusual), just half hour to get the permit and then a few routine inspections along the way.

  • Targeted layoffs are tricky to pull off. You can be sued for wrongful dismissal and then you need to show you were not targeting that person by anything other than random. You can easially lay off everyone on a project. Anything where you select individuals is risky if they can somehow argue you choose them because of some status (minority or whatever - even white male is not a status you can dismiss someone on) . Don’t get me wrong, companies lay off part of a department all the time - but they would prefer to not do that.

    Even if someone quits from a department you don’t want to lose people from, you can just transfer an employee from a different department that didn’t lose enough people. So this is good enough and someone who quits cannot sue.

    Also if someone quits they cannot collect unemployment. Generally governments track how often a company lays off employees and charges higher unemployment rates to those who lay off more people so getting people to quit saves you here too.

  • Nobody today is not coming to my house. However the world has not always changed in ways I like. If the media companies want to make an example of somebody they might randomly pick me. If I have physical media they will not be able to convince the general public I’m a dishonest thief and so even though I might be legally in the wrong for ripping DVDs they will stay away: they are going to look for someone who they can make look like a dishonest thief in the court of public opinion. They are not looking to take me to court and win whatever damaged they are owned from my activity (it will cost them about 100 times as much $$$ in lawyers fees - they would probably win but it isn’t worth it), what they would be looking for is to make an example in the news about how much someone loses and if I have physical media they instead look like jerks for enforcing a law on something that the generally public wouldn’t even call a crime.

  • That was last quarter. You don’t have to be very good at economics to look at world crop supplies, the age of the current farming equipment fleet, and other such data and conclude this next year will be tough for ag companies like Deere.

    Of course the above is nothing new - ag is a cyclical business, you see the above ever 5-10 years. Previous to the current CEO the last layoffs of this type of position was the mid 1980s - several other CEOs saw the same signs the current one does and were able to manage it without layoffs.

  • No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President

    You can argue that it doesn’t say anything about vice president, but then he can’t be part of the line of succession so what is the point. Though I wonder if maybe saying he can’t be vice president on those grounds means speaker of the house also must be natural born… The constitution is short and so you can come up with weird situations like this all over.