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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • … as opposed to American Spyware? I’m no fan of any governments, including both Chinese and American (not fully anti government, just think all need drastic improvments) but while I understand calling it Spyware, the focus on Chinese feels a bit sinophobic. Facebook does bad spying work too, plus has run experiments on users live. Cambridge Analytica stole info for political means as well. Google, ISPs, and many other info sites collect and sell info on you, and many of them will submit info to governments when requested. X/Twitter is run by an egotistical MAGA idiot who is blocking stuff he doesn’t like but allowing Nazis to be broadcast to everyone.

    They should all be considered similarly problematic.

  • I have a slight personal conundrum. I agree with thus in principle, and so when the company decided everyone would get a laptop (I prefer to work from home, and while computers exist at the office and for some field techs, plus there is a terminal server, until now I used personal 99% of the time) I was excited and happy.

    On the other hand, I’ve done the two phones thing in the past and now I really don’t feel like it. Of course, I don’t want any of their MDM on my phone either, and if they start trying to enforce that I may have to bite demanding a phone too.

    Either way, it should be an option to have either a company phone or reimbursement if you choose to just have your 1 phone. Containerized MDM would be nice too, since that should ostensibly mean a remote wipe only affects their data/apps and prevents personal/work from interacting.

  • Which usually includes implied “follow my religious beliefs to be eligible.” A big difference between personal giving and allowing a social safety net is the decision to limit who gets your money. Which I do get; I want my team dollars going to stuff that helps everyone, like welfare, education, transportation, etc, not to military industrial complex or subsidies for already massive and union busting billionaires.

    Still, on the conservative side it tends to aim more towards extremely limited targets, usually filtered through a lens of bigotry.

  • My manager doesn’t really care about that, and hence, I’m currently only in office for our monthly company meeting, and thats mostly to help out the new CEO have a room of people instead of just a zoom call. I do enjoy when I go in, but once a month is enough for me. If I were closer, once a week would be fine too, but I really benefit in a ton of ways working from home, and in office I’m usually just helping others out and twidling my thumbs(helping people out is a major part of my job, but I can still do that remote as well).