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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Thanks for your comment. I feel like I’m on a island when I say the first was the only good one. Sure two had a few moments but the series is straight laughable. I was such a fan of the first one because of the fact the bullets ran out. I kept saying, “Why hasn’t anyone made a movie like die hard where people get tired and every bullet is counted? The protagonist picks up the guns of the villains, etc.” It’s still over the top but it was really nice to see something like that and then they completely took everything I liked and reversed it. Long coreographed fight scenes bulletproof suits, cringe dialogue, traveling to different locations because it would “look cool” if there are mirrors, neon lights and smoke. I don’t get the love.

  • Pay attention. The game wouldn’t always lead you to what you need to do. Some times you’ll have to figure things out. There isn’t just a marker on the map for what you need to do next. That messed me up because half the time I was following a marker but then there would be a line about giving someone an item or something in my inventory I missed. Ignore 100%ing every quest. Learn to parry and roll. Also, explore! I’ve run into very cool side quests! It feels really cool to just stumble into a story before a character even sends you out on the quest.

  • I agree with the comments here. It’s not very good but they go so far out of their way to laugh at themselves and the studio for making the film that it becomes charming. There are a lot of 80s / 90s sequel movies that make weird choices instead of rehasing and I’d much rather see something I’m not expecting. They know full well that a direct sequel would never please the fans so they basically destroy Matrix lore. I don’t think Neo fires a gun which I found incredible as statement on the previous movies. So yah not good in the traditional sense but it’s quite original in its post modern take on internet fandom, studio forcing sequels, lack of originality, commenting on not giving the audience what the think they want, etc.

  • Yah. Pearl Jam spent years in limbo because they thought everyone would join the fight. But no big name artists ever did because no one wanted to rock the boat. During COVID ticketmaster / clear channel/liveNation/ iHeartRadio whatever have continued to consolidate. They own the tickets they own the resell websites they own most of the big venues they can demand merch sales at the venue. If you refuse they can remove you from playing their venues.

    At this point it would take 10+ huge artists to final kill this beast. We are talking Taylor Swift / Beyonce big that actually have complete creative control. I don’t even think most top artists have that. They would have to organize everything and they would probably lose union contracts for stage craft and audio, lights, transportation. Basically they would have to start their own ticket & touring companys that outdoor fields and sports areas? and would have to stick it out for years and convince a good majority to stop buying tickets from any place using Ticketmaster.