A little bit of neuroscience and a little bit of computing

  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2023


  • Yea anything big and mainstream just seems super shallow.

    I’m not on top of things to compare accurately, but it was always kinda like that (and is like that here sometimes too). But whenever I’ve gone back, I’ve definitely felt like it has gotten somewhat worse. Some of that could easily be a shifting standard from spending more time on other less “mainstream” platforms though.

  • from the Craig era they all took themselves way too seriously.

    Yea … I think this is the issue I ran into. For Casino … and Quantum too, IMO, as a previous hater I’m a defender now … the seriousness works, it’s part of the darker more violent energy. But afterwards, the stories and directing just don’t capture that same energy … so at some point you start to sort of see through what they’re trying to do and lose immersion.

  • Yea, the point of any thing like this would be to provide a better grip on what’s going on with these phrases and to break down the opacity of their coming from another language.

    The thing with latin though is that it isn’t quite an alien language to english speakers … so many components of it have ended up in language that an english speaker can kind of “triangulate” some of it.

    The “ad” in “ad hoc”, for instance. It’s the same “ad” in “advance” or “addition” “admit”. And “hoc” is related to English “here”. It literally means “toward this (thing)”, which takes on the meaning “for the purpose of this thing” … that is, being “for a specific thing”, not “general purpose”.

  • Seems to miss some big ones and providing understanding of them.

    “Et cetera”

    • “and other things”
    • abbreviated to “etc”
    • not pronounced “excetera” … but honestly I wouldn’t worry about it because this is the sort of alteration the Romans would have made and did make, and language is always evolving.
    • IMO, basically a distinct English word now

    “Exempli gratia”

    • “for the sake of an example” / “for example”
    • abbreviated “eg”
    • basically a distinct English word now in the abbreviated form, pronounced “ee gee”.
    • easily substituted with a plain English translation “for example”

    “Id est”

    • “that is”
    • abbreviated “ie”
    • like the above, basically a distinct English word now, IMO.
    • easily substituted with its plain English equivalent: “that is”
      • especially given how close the Latin is to the English …. Notice how similar the two phrases sound … that’s not a coincidence, these languages are related after all.

  • Oh sure, there’d have to be a quality dimension to this too. According to the theory, not every Disney film is going to be a hit, but the hits will often be Disney films.

    It’s a bit conspiratorial … in the end it’s probably about films that are enjoyable by a broad demographic, and that’s Disney.

    The dynamics of somewhat random box office hits seems reasonable to me though. How many now see like 1-2 films in the cinemas a year? Getting their tickets is probably tricky and requires some sort of virality dynamic.

  • [email protected]

    It’s for learning rust (the programming language) and the lemmy code base itself as a sort of “reading club”. If you’re the type of person who might be interested there’s a good chance you’ve heard of it already. We’re currently working through The Book (conventional learning resource) through a couple of Twitch streams and regular posts/discussions.

    More collaborative learning activity is plenty welcome!

  • The interesting test will be when the Gunniverse starts

    Was just thinking the same thing recently … inadvertently, that “project” seems perfectly timed to steer the industry in a moment of uncertainty. Like 2 “flops” from Gunn and that could be the clear beginning of the end of mainstream comic films. Great successes, and it’ll keep going for sure.

    I wonder if Dune (at least part 2) is having any bearing on the industry … because I’d guess it isn’t at a broad level because that kind of content and film making is just not economical enough at the “cinematic universe” scale. But then again, are we going to see more classic and epic Sci-Fi/Fantasy stories being pushed out? Is some exec chucking a fit about why they don’t own the rights to Asimov’s Foundation?

  • maegul@lemmy.mlOPMtomovies@lemm.eeIntroducing Fedi Film Club
    6 days ago

    Yea, great question. I’d guess that this is likely to be the biggest issue with the whole thing.

    I personally don’t think one person can source a particular film for everyone. I think crowd sourcing availability options is realistically the only way to go.

    What we might find out though is that the current streaming system is actually a regression from the days of video rental shops. In the past, many of the films we’d want to watch would have been available at the local shop. Some might have required some hunting but nothing too serious. And esoteric ones would have been hard to find and required an academic library or something.

    Now, if you have to sign up to a different streaming service and potentially VPN for every different film you want to watch, that may become prohibitive for many and would really be a step backward however convenient the internet is otherwise.

    I’m hoping it’s fine, and I’m also rather curious to see how it goes TBH.

    I personally have found decent success in renting films off of Apple ITunes/TV. And I’ve also found a nearby old-school video rental with quite a good collection of DVDs and BlueRays. So I’ll probably be leveraging those. But I don’t know how available or desirable that is for many here or exactly what other options there are.

    It will certainly be a conversation for every film we want to watch, I think.