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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023


  • The flower in the picture reminds me of a Erythrina lysistemon, whose name in Afrikaans, in my opinion, is very racist, translated would be like n*****tree. Luckily I am hearing from a lot more people, compared to when I grew up, starting to name this beautiful tree a different name, kanniedood, which translates to cannot-die.

    I love that we look at language and ask are there hurtful words, even if it was not meant, and trying to improve on it. Sounds similar in the IT industry awhile ago where they tried replacing terms like master and slave with alternatives like primary and secondary.

  • Populism is a feature of democracy. It’s just like in life, easy answers, like fast food for example, are always easy to suggest, but in the long term might not be the best. But if you can show your voter base, eating these disgusting vegetables in the long term is going to do everyone good, slight inconvenience, major benefit. So there will always be the power hungry populist that will give easy and popular answers to hard questions, it is the voters duty to determine who has their long term interests at heart and who is able to bribe you with your shortsighted desires to get into power.