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Cake day: June 28th, 2023

  • This just reminds me that, in any hobby, there are nuanced turf wars and internal politics that superfans are invested in following. This is the sort of thing that I might have really cared about in my days as a gamer, and hearing about it now makes me realize how out of touch I am with the community.

    I do miss it sometimes. Makes me nostaligic for riding the bus with friends and arguing about Sega vs Nintendo or what’s going on at Activision.

  • I think he wants a shot at the governor’s office. The Senate seems to cramp his style, and he doesn’t have the chops for national politics. He was Lt Gov, and has a significant advantage in name recognition and fundraising as a current Senator. Plus, the DNC is probably already vetting primary challengers to run against him in 2030.

    PA is a weird state, in every way possible, and Shapiro did a lot of damage to his image in his attempt to land the VP job. If Shapiro decides not to run for reelection, the Democrats don’t have a deep bench in Pennsylvania. Austin Davis is probably the only other name worth considering.

    Fetterman would not win anything in a nationwide race, but if he can bring the Pennsyltuckians out to vote for a Democrat, he would win the state in a landslide.

  • All of these are bad examples, or rather counterexamples.

    Hufflepuff just takes “the rest.” The misfits and outliers, the mediocre and the moderate. These can be great wizards and witches, or they can be utter shit. That’s Hufflepuff.

    Lockhart was exceptionally smart and talented, but he was a spineless weasel and gloryhound. He used his skills as at obliviation to alter memories and make people love him. He was a leech and a criminal, and inept at other magical skills, but he made himself rich, famous, and universally beloved while avoiding any actual practice or hard work. He was probably a very gifted student who figured out how to get other people to do his work and make him look good. That’s why he was ultimately inept.

    Pettigrew was a follower. No doubt he did not fit the mould of the typical Gryffindor in that he fell to corruption and betrayal, and managed to hide as a rat for decades. But remember, the sorting hat takes your choice into consideration. He likely wanted to be a strong and brave leader. He wanted to be cool like his friends, and he was not. He was small and scared, and always reminded of it. After school, his friends weren’t there to protect him and make him feel special. He wasn’t one of the “in” crowd anymore. He was a ripe target for a cult that brought him in and made him feel powerful again.

  • Under normal circumstances, you ask the questions to get a record of the answers, so that you can prove the answers are lies. The more information the accused has when they provide answers, the more thoroughly they can lie.

    With Mango Mussolini, there’s never any consistency to his blatant lies, and he never pays any price for changing his story. Everyone knows he’s a liar, so he can be as brazen as he wants to be because he knows he can lie without losing supporters.

    So I’m with you. Democrats will circle up like a lacrosse team at a prep school mixer. Oh shit, Campbell is gonna go ask Lauren Z to dance. Let’s go back him up. Here he goes-OH she said no… no wait he said “PSYCH!” He wasn’t really asking, I bet she feels so dumb. Sick burn, Campbell. Let’s go throw empty yoohoo bottles onto the roof of the auxiliary building and talk about what boobs probably look like.

    That’s what I picture every time I read about the Congressional Democrats. Campbell, Monty, Gunner, Brook, Tripp, Blake, and Gian, all hanging around in blazers and sweatervests talking about how cool it’s going to be when they finally do something someday.