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Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • I don’t think it’s a bad day situation, that would be if she made mistakes. The moves were clearly deliberate.

    I was never going to beat these girls on what they do best, the dynamic and the power moves, so I wanted to move differently, be artistic and creative because how many chances do you get in a lifetime to do that on an international stage?

    I was always the underdog and wanted to make my mark in a different way.

    And y’know what, if it doesn’t negatively impact her career from here, power to her. It was memorable and entertaining, even if it was at her own expense. As long as her opponents didn’t feel disrespected (I don’t know enough about the breaking culture to say), I think it was worthwhile. Wouldn’t most of us say we benefitted from watching it?

  • Genuinely great scene. So is the phone call with Aurelio (“I heard you hit my son”), another excellent setup and play on expectations. And Perkins’ death which is one of the most memorable ways to kill off a powerful antagonist.

    The concept worked best when we as the audience expected the world to function familiarly, and it could playfully subvert those expectations in small ways.

    This is exactly it. By 4, the world is so nonsensical that it barely resembles the first. I view the first in a vacuum because the others actually harm it— why did the police even bother showing up in the circus world of the sequels where shootouts happen in the open? They also stopped with the playful subversions and I think tried to rely on the nonsense world to keep it light. I hadn’t actually seen the playfulness put to words, but you nailed it.

    I’m glad the filmmakers probably had fun but the sequels can’t capture the almost believable action, genuinely decent plot, and emotional payoff. That and the general tone was totally discarded. I still watch 2 and 3 sometimes for the choreography, but damn if they don’t pale compared to the first.

  • I have to rant a little, this will add nothing to your day and you should skip it. John Wick is one of my favorite movies ever, but every expansion pokes holes into the universe, and reduces the realism of the choreography. I love the first, and the character, but I think it’s past time the series end.

    And look, I’m not saying it needs to be or ever was realistic. But the armor is so comical that it feels like a bad video game. In the fourth, enemies would visibly be staggered, act out a flailing animation, then recover right when it was time for them to be hit with a flashy execution move. I’m not a movie snob— I can even enjoy Transformers 2— but I kept getting distracted by background enemies doing nothing but biding time until their cue to die. Not unlike the Praetorians in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. The choreography was still masterful in that the stuntmen were immaculate, but the predictable dizziness animations made me feel some sense of real sadness remembering JW1 and even 2.

    The story also got offensively stupid. The Osaka Continental staff felt like vaguely racist caricatures, bringing swords to a gunfight. The manager forcing Donnie Yen to kill him (effectively suicide by duel) purely for “honor” and making his daughter watch was particularly unimpressive. Really, every region felt like they took the most marketable bits with nearly no real culture; even the assassin society solely portrays the cool bits. I’m not the type to usually care about cultural respect in movies but it felt like distasteful stereotype. These plus the extremely disappointing choice to keep working with sexual predator Taran Butler make me wish it ended at the second.

    So it doesn’t terribly surprise me that the spinoff is bad too. I can’t see any movie in this universe of barely-inhibitive juggernaut armor and nonsense worldbuilding being good again. I’d expect less than respectful portrayals of ballet, poorly thought out heavy handed commentary on female assassins, and bullet sponges conveniently dying because they were hit in a place that made them flounder. Every Wick installment has only made worse the problem, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see that here too. Hopefully I’m wrong and will eat these words, but ehhhhhhh. Probably not.

    No hate to those who liked JW4, I understand the video game aesthetic can be appealing. I don’t even think the series should end purely because I didn’t like it, it’s great that there’s an audience walking away satisfied. Just wasn’t for me and I miss the older movies.