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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • So to be clear, what you are saying is that the USA should spend more in roads and less in public transport right? Because the USA is so special that you poor things just have no more options.

    Fuck man, even here in Bogotá we are finally building a metro, and yes the work for it had fucked traffic even more. And for years we have been taking roads away from cars to use them for buses (see what transmilenio is) and bycicles. And guess what, it has been a fucking uphill battle every step of the way for morons like you who just love their fucking cars. Is Bogotá traffic good? Fuck no. Is public transport great here? Hahahaha, god no. But we are making progress despite morons like you. But you people keep your excuses, you poor morons and your american exceptionalism. Even the third world is leaving you behind hahaha, is kind of pathetic, specially because is people like you holding your country back.

  • First of all my man, I was responding to your comment about “people complaining about roads” in the USA. I’m just pointing out how the people that complain about that are part of the problem. As the comment you replied pointed out, one of the main problems the USA have is that they do invest in infrastructure. Is just that they invest in the dumbest possible transport infrastructure possible, roads for cars. Your comment is ridiculous in that context, its’s basically “yeah, and they should invest even more in roads” hahahahahaha, come on man.

    Second, at some point you americans need to start taking responsibility of your governmment and elected officials. IMO this particular problem is caused by the voters, and you people loveee to blame your politicians like you are the only country with crappy politicians. Be honest with yourself, what do you think will happen to a politician that campaigns on removing lanes from cars to create dedicated lanes for buses in the USA? Or a politician campaining on moving funds from road development to rails development? Etc, etc. It’s a career killing move for a politician in the USA, you people love your cars hahahaha.

    The real problem is that you people don’t want public transport. Or rather, you want public transport but magically without affecting your cars infrastructure. So politicians have no incentive to invest in public transit, quite the opposite.

  • But how many are actually willing to give up cars and use public transport instead if given the choice? In my experience, most people want to be able to continue using their cars but with glowing roads and little traffic hahahaha. That’s what we mean when we say people are car-brained, most people want magic solutions to be able to continue to use their stupid, contaminating, inneficient cars. EVs will fix the contamination hahaha. And another lane will fix traffic for sure hahaha. These people are just too dumb to realize that it’s literally impossible to do what they want once you have areas with “high” population density. Instead, as you just mentioned, most people just complain like dumbasses like that’s good for anything.

  • I’m so sick of people like you. “Oh, they may be right but they were a bit rude. So I’m going to pretend that they are wrong”. Go fuck yourself if you have nothing useful to contribute. This is just a tactic trolls use in the internet to distract people, and people keep falling for it.

    Plus if you actually read the article you would know that they are referencing an academic definition of bullshit. So go fuck yourself twice, you didn’t even bother to read before declaring your incredible moral superiority. You are just a clown.

  • Hahahahahahahahahaha. Just like crypto obsesion gave us cheap crypto chips in all personal computers? Get real dude, this is just a way for them to steal even more data from people. Nothing good will come from this. Quite the oposite, we will see yet another price increase in hardware because all AI dumbasses will hoard them yet again. Don’t forget these are the same morons that were pushing for cryptos and nfcs hahaha. These are people who believe in magic free money, too bad they sometimes get it because our society is built by retards. I really can’t stand people looking for a possitive in this dissaster …

  • Can you point me to the paper/article/whatever where this is being discussed please? I’m actually interested on learning about it. Even if I don’t like the way they are using the technology, I’m still a programmer at hearth and would love to read about this.

    To the point of the conversation, honestly man that was just an example of the many problems I see with this. But you have to understand that people like you keep asking us for proof that LLMs are not smart. But come on man, you are the ones claiming you solved the hard problem of mind, on the first try no less hahaha. You are the ones with the burden of proof here and you have provided nothing of the sort. Do better people or stop trying to confuse us with retoric.

  • I looove how the people at Google are so dumb that they forgot that anything resembling real intelligence in ChatGPT is just cheap labor in Africa (Kenya if I remember correctly) picking good training data. So OpenAI, using an army of smart humans and lots of data built a computer program that sometimes looks smart hahaha.

    But the dumbasses in Google really drank the cool aid hahaha. They really believed that LLMs are magically smart so they feed it reddit garbage unfiltered hahahaha. Just from a PR perspective it must be a nigthmare for them, I really can’t understand what they were thinking here hahaha, is so pathetically dumb. Just goes to show that money can’t buy intelligence I guess.

  • I’m probably late, but in this case this is the combinations of 2 things.

    1. The usual capitalistic incentives ruined yet another company. There was a recent article about how Google pushed out the people who builded and maintaned search on favor of MBA growth focused assholes. Like they put the guy that was Yahoo’s CEO while Yahoo search was crumbling, in charge of Google search to get him to increase the amount of searches they serve, and ads obviously. People keep suggesting to use DDG, or Kagi, or some other comercial product. And for now, we must because Google is basically useless right now. But just give time to the other companies to fall in the same trap hahaha.
    2. LLMs are not smart, not even close. They are just a parlor trick that has non technical people fooled. There is a lot of evidence to me, but to me the most obvious one is that they don’t have anything resembling human short term memory. Like the way they make them look like they are having a conversation is by providing the entire conversation up to that point, including their own previous responses lol, as input/context so the bot autocompletes the conversation. It literally can’t remember a single word of what you said on it’s own. But sureee, they are just like humans lol.

    So what we have here is obvious, we have a company trying to grow like cancer by any means necessary. And now they have a technology that allows them to create enough smoke and mirrors to fool non technical people. Sadly, as part of this they are also destroying the last places of the internet not fully controlled by corporations. Let’s hope lemmy survives, but it’s just a matter of time before they flood this place too.

  • I don’t know man. I mean, if you assume that the people that were doing the art, music, code, etc, that’s being stolen were not going to get paid anyway then yeah. If they were doing shit just for love they may continue, and with new toys lol.

    But I don’t think that’s a good assumption. Even if not a lot, sone people do get paid for this kind of work. And now they will not get paid anymore. And maybe that’s leveling the playing field. Or maybe that’s telling people with talent to stop doing what they do well. Probably both. But at the end of the day we are going to see less art made by people and more done by “AI”, much more done by “AI”.

    And that’s the biggest problem IMO, for most people art is social and part of the reward is the recognition we get from other people when we do good art. But with AI that’s gone, on the internet at least. The sea or superficially good but mediocre shit we are already seeing is going to kill a lot of indie art.

    And then there is hallucinations which seem unsolvable … and the environmental damage … and the labor practices abuses … and their monopolization of the technology … and their missleading marketing … I honestly just see so much damage and almost no benefit, yet … maybe some day it all will pay off, I don’t see it

  • Only Google, Microsoft and Meta are playing the field anyway. The investment in energy alone you need to get these kinds of results is absurd. The only economically viable alternative is open source IMO, and I doubt that’s going to happen if these companies have any say in the matter. Funnily enough, this also fixes the training data problem, it can be created by consent like any open source collaboration. But instead we need to allow rampant copyright infrigment hahahaha.

    And about the games, I guess we will see if we ever see any of them, like in the real world. To me games are about playing, not about almost human NPCs anyway. But for tastes colors and all that, I’m the first to admit I have weird tastes lol.

  • Hahaha, I don’t know why people are so shocked. I’m sure we will see anything useful with AIs anytime soon, just like with crypto hahaha.

    In the mean time, it’s obvious these companies are using AIs as an excuse to bypass laws and regulations, and people are cheering them …They are bypassing copyright laws (in a direct attack to open source) with their autocomplete bots, but we should not worry, it’s not copyright infrigment because the LLMs are smart (right), so that makes it ok … They are using this to steal the work of real artists through image generation bots, but people love this for some reason. And they are using this to bypass the few privacy laws in place now, like Facebook/Meta could ever have another incentive.

    Maybe I’m extremist, but if the only useful thing we are getting from this is mediocre code autocomplete that works sometimes, I think the price we are paying is way too high. Too bad I’m in the minority here.