Cybersecurity professional with an interest in networking, and beginning to delve into binary exploitation and reverse engineering.

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 27th, 2024


  • I currently use AI, through Nvidia Broadcast, to remove the sound of the literal server rack feet away from my xlr mic in my definitely not sound treated room so people I’m gaming with don’t wind up muting me. It also removes the clickety clack of my blue switches and my mouse clicks, all that shit.

    It’s insanely reliable, and honestly a complete godsend. I could muck around with compressors and noise gates to try to cut out the high pitch server fan whine, but then my voice gets wonky and I’ve wasted weeks bc I’m not an audio engineer but I’m obsessive, and the mic is still picking up my farts bc why not use an xlr condenser mic to shit talk in cs?

    Edit - Oh, I also use the virtual speaker that Broadcast creates as the in-game (or Discord or whatever) voice output, and AI removes the same shit from other people’s audio. I’ve heard people complaining about background music from another teammates open mic while all I hear is their perfectly clear voice. It’s like straight up magic.

  • Thank you for that disclaimer. I had to babysit a friend while they went through an accelerated detox for kratom, it was ugly. I’ve babysat friends detoxing off heroin so I thought this would be ezpz, but it was honestly just as shitty a time as heroin detox. This was someone who had increased consumption to about 2-3 heaping teaspoons at least twice a day over 8 years or so.

    Edit - After reading some of the other comments i want to clarify that I have no concern about overdose deaths from kratom whatsoever. My only concern is that I’ve seen multiple people get absolutely addicted to kratom, and the fact that anyone, of any age, can walk in to basically any store and buy this stuff with no idea of the addictive potential of it is concerning to me. I’d personally probably be happy with a ban on sale to minors and mandated harm reduction material printed on the packaging.

  • For what it’s worth, both Android and iOS are vulnerable to zero click RCEs, see NSO Group and their Pegasus spyware.

    One of the reasons we don’t really have zombie phones in botnet swarms is because selling the RCE on the grey market is way more lucrative than burning it to infect some devices for a botnet since phones are way more attractive targets than computers if you’re actively targeting an individual.

    A fully compromised smartphone is will give access to practically all of a target’s communications: their phone calls, SMS messages, encrypted text messaging (Signal/WhatsApp/iMessages) and probably their email as well. You will also gain access to a good portion of their web browsing, and their is a very good chance you will gain access to their 2FA as well (Authenticator application or SMS) allowing you to further easily compromise any of their online accounts. Plus, you gain access to any files on their phone (which are often very good kompromat if your goal is to blackmail), their live location and the ability to spy on them covertly through the camera and the microphone.

    Compare that to a laptop. You gain access to some of their web browsing, some files (often only professional in nature), and maybe access their camera and microphone some of the time, since the laptop isn’t always on and beside you.