Fuck off Lemmy

  • 56 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 11th, 2024


  • you don’t really need to scare quote they in this context. The NSA and similar organizations are real and operating at this scale right now.

    Will they compromise their back door to go after a pirate? No. Will they collect data on you to profile you and your activities and use that in the future? Yes.

    It is not if, it is when the digital police state is imposed will we know the real end state of this level of data collection. My warning about them is not just about the pirates, its about installing their software and letting them port mirror you and cache your dns calls for years to target you later.

  • I know a few people actually. Benovo seems to be the most popular brand. The fact is most cat food is already 80% plant ingredients with some industrially processed meat products added in. This stuff is already extremely unhealthy for cats. I had cats before I went vegan who ate the highest quality cat food I could afford and that they would eat called “science diet” and they got diabetes and died on the younger side for cats. This is with what people think is appropriate now. I do think much more research needs to go into alternatives because no matter what we want unsustainable activities can’t be sustained so the cheap and subsidized meat calories will end and what we are currently doing doesn’t work either. I don’t really believe there is a difference on a chemical level if you match the nutritional needs with plant based chemicals or animal derived chemicals I don’t believe it makes some spiritual difference related to the obligate carnivore status of an animal.